It is the textile world's new rockstar and so far only few companies (especially in the formal clothing sector) in the world using it due to bit high price as compare to synthetic fibers or other sustainable fibers. However compare to little extra cost, benefits of using this fiber is so vast. Well, that is especially if you are talking about sustainable textiles.
What is banana fiber?
Banana Fiber (also known as SISAL) is made from the leaves of the banana plant. It is said to be one of the most sustainable fibers on our planet, and is also biodegradable - meaning it can break down in landfills without any ill effects on the environment. These two qualities make it a great candidate for eco-friendly clothing and other products.
Banana Fiber Structure
Banana fibers are long, strong and very flexible - making it a desirable material to use in many products. It is about 15x strong as cotton and 10x as durable as linen. These properties make banana fiber a great choice for clothing because they will last a lot longer than clothing made from traditional materials!
The structure of bast fibers, such as banana, is complex. They are usually made up of lignocellulosic material and have helically wound cellulose microfibrils in an amorphous matrix of lignin and hemicellulose. The cellulose content plays a significant role in the mechanical properties, as well.
Why is banana fiber sustainable?
One reason that banana fiber is sustainable is because bananas are one of the most efficient crops to grow - they require few pesticides, use little water, and have a high nutrient uptake.
Clothes made out of banana fiber pulp are incredibly soft and comfortable to wear, even compared to clothing made from cotton. It is about 15x as strong as cotton and 10x as durable as linen. They also have great moisture wicking properties which make it idle for summer clothing.
Banana fiber is also very durable, which makes it a great material for creating all types of items from packaging to paper to fabric or even rugs.
Heat Resistance
Banana stem fibe can be processes by spinning and twisting similar to jute, for use in high temperature insulation products.
Chemical Resistance
The banana fiber's acid content and alkaline content is very low and they can be bleached without much effect on their physical properties.
Water Absorbency
Banana fibers absorb and release the absorbed water quite easily.
Banana stem fiber is both flexible and elastic.
Discover our new fabric made from banana fiber and order your free swatches to test it: Click here!